Thursday, October 30, 2008

things that must go!

Inspired by Radio from Hell, this is my little list of things that must go.

1. Adam Carolla - The alternative radio station here in Phx doesn't have their own morning show. They broadcast the lovely Adam Carolla. I don't listen to his show, but sometimes when I get in the car in the morning the radio is already on the station and I am accosted by his assinine crap. His show goes a little something like this: "Penis, Huh Huh Huh. Boobs, Huh Huh Huh. Cheap bastards, Huh Huh Huh." One time he seriously said, "What if I put my 'dork' through the mailslot and you could perform oral." Geeze I miss Kerry, Bill and Gina. I want some good clean "Boners in the News." I am dying to hear Bill call someone and Ass-hat!

2. The 20 or more checkstands at most large stores - You don't use them. Why hog up the retail space with them. You could at least use the space to display more tabloids, so I have more headlines to read while I wait 5 hours in line.

3. Women in the locker room who strut around in their underwear or less - If you have a hot body, great, but do you have to rub it in all of our stretchmarked and pudgy faces. If you are trying to be sexy, do it someplace else, I am not interested and I doubt anyone is going to slip you their phone number. If you are extremely overweight, well, really do I have to explain. I cover up, can't you too.

P.S. I really am not this negative all of the time. I am just a lot more interesting and funny when I am irritated. If you want to read about the cute and cheery things in my life , read my other blog.


Kateka said...

Amen to all of this. Another thing that must go (along with the idea of hot girls in the gym)... People who go to the gym with their hair properly in place and make up on and their biggest calorie burn is reapplying lip gloss while standing directly in front of you in the workout mirror. Oh AND women who take all the weights to their little area to do their toning and all they leave behind are the 25 pounds.

perkiwindy said...

One time at my gym my friend was waiting in line for a shower when a lady who was already in her shower offered to let her join her. Wierd thing is that we know this lady is married not gay. I also love the ladies and men who leave sweat on the seat part of the equipment. Who wants to sit there now? Not after that kind of sweat got left behind!