Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mariachi Chicken

One of our many bad habits is going out to eat. You know you go out too much when you have lived in a city for 2 months and you are already sick of all the restaurants.

The main reason we go out to eat is my laziness. It is time for dinner, I don't want to cook and we have already eaten all of the Mac & Cheese. So, I went to Costco looking for some frozen throw in the oven food. The majority of what I found was outrageously high in fat and salt with next to no nutritional value. At least Mac & Cheese is fortified.

I shopped around and found organic spinach lasagna. Cool, something nutritious! I brought it home popped in the oven and an hour later could barely gag it down. I still have the other tray of it in the freezer. I wonder if the dogs would eat it? Probably not.

So my next thought was, "Why can't I just freeze my own frozen dinners?" I found a really great cookbook and got to work. The idea is to cook 3 or 4 times what you would normally cook, eat one and freeze the rest. Or you can get together with friends and cook together or swap food. I don't have any friends so the later is out.

This is what I made today.

First I had to bludgeon the chicken flat. You are supposed to use a rolling pin for this, but mine is still in a box and buried in the garage. I used a Nalgene bottle. It was amazingly satisfying to pound the hell out of a chicken breast

Then you put this colorful mix of peppers, olives and green onions in the center of the flattened chicken.

Next, roll it up. Put it in a pan and freeze them.

Once these bad boys are frozen then you can put them in a ziplock bag.

You also make a sauce out of cream cheese and salsa, which you freeze in a separate ziplock bag.

When you want to make it, you just pull out the chicken and sauce, put it in a pan, thaw, bake for one hour and Wahoo! you have dinner.

Sorry to bore you with all of the details. I guess I am just really impressed with myself.


Tazia said...

That's amazing. Me and Aj also eat out way more than we should because I never want to make dinner but this actually seems do-able. I think I will try it!

Kateka said...

Holy cow. That looks amazing. Seriously, amazing. I just want to rip through my computer and eat your finished product.