Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Narrow Minded When it Comes to Narrowmindedness

I went to Super Saturday last Saturday. It is one of those "get together at the church and do a bunch of lame crafts all day" things. I say lame mostly because the final product I produce is lame. Everyone else seems to be able to go home with a not so lame version.

Anyway, I had a relatively good time. Met some new people that don't bug me quite as much as the last ones I attempted to hang out with. However, I was irritated almost to the point of anger by part of the conversation and I have been trying to figure out why I am such a jerk.

The subject of books came up. One girl in the group proudly declared she always read books by LDS authors. I heard the words come out of her mouth and I had to gag back the vomit! LDS does not equal quality! I don't know why it angers me so much when people think LDS artists are great. I have real issues with people using their religion to sell mediocrity. Ewww, and the Work and the Glory! It is fiction my friends. Please don't bear your testimony about it!

The conversation went on about reading books with bad images in them and how they don't like those images in their heads, blah blah blah. I think the girl next to me must have caught the disgusted "you are such morons" look on my face because she started talking to me about books like Ethan Frome and Secret Life of Bees.

Now after a few days I am bothered, not by the fact that people waste their time reading garbage, but by the fact that it irritates me. Why should I care that someone chooses to read trite meaningless drivel? Or that they are so caught up in being offended they completely miss the overall beauty of a story? I know that part of the reason I am offended is because they consider what I value to be trashy and inappropriate. But honestly, I think I am a judgmental bastard and I should probably do something about it.


Tazia said...

No, its not you at all! It is completely them who is narrow minded. They are the ones who are missing out on great novels. I think this is a prideful thing to do. It is saying, "I am such a good mormon because I will only read these kind of books." Then they turn their noses up at those of us who don't. It is not you, it is them and their pride.

Cati said...

I have a testimony thanks to the work and the glory!!!! wait is fiction oh crap!!! which book do I read again to gain a testimony??? check out my blog now don't gag!!!

Katrina said...

The problem is she wasn't being prideful. She was just being honest about what she liked to read. She wasn't being condescending in any way. I really am the one with the issues.

.::still blinking::. said...

I am in the non-bishop approved book club, because there is another one and I don't care what the bishop has to say about that and well and lot of other things.

Also, this was brought up in relief society one time and I found out later. The rage pulsated in my ears.

The end and amen.