Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Day at the Zoo is Always Educational

We went to the Phoenix Zoo yesterday for our fun family adventure on John's day off. All I can say is it must be mating season.

My 3 year old can now imitate the sound of mating tortoises and what I am pretty sure is a tiger in heat. I had to get pretty creative answering questions like, "Why is that duck on top of the other duck?" and "What are those antelope doing?"

The tortoises made the biggest scene as they were the loudest and along a busy walkway. Far more interesting than the exhibitionist tortioses was the way people reacted. Some averted their gaze and tried to walk on by like they didn't notice the 2 gigantic tortoises doing the nasty. Others tried to redirect their children's attention while they snickered under their breath. There were even a few who showed their adult attitudes by standing and waching; all the while, giving condescending glances to those of us who were snickering. I giggled and snuck a picture. I am not sure what that says about me. I guess I am not very mature. At least I have a sense of humor.

Finally the zookeepers intervened. I am not sure how they got Yertyl and his sexy diva to move, but we saw them latter in a large, out of the way, gazelle habitat. They were still at it. Talk about stamina.


Kateka said...

Oh my gosh. This is too funny! I am so glad I am not a tortoise! I would be embarrassed. Look at how that girl is just hiding in her shell, that'd be me.

Yes, train with me! I am still not sure if I am going to run a real one, but I will still definitely train. We have until 12/31 to sign up if we want to. Obviously we won't be able to actually train together, unless we want to do the Arizona/Utah commute. But at least we can keep each other updated on what training we are doing, etc.

J.B. said...

And here am I so adult that I feel a little disappointed that I can't see the picture very clearly. Sheesh!