Wednesday, November 5, 2008

too much

I have been busy with the moving thing and then there was the computer dying thing. Here is some stuff I thought was mildly interesting, but didn't have time to write about.

Tornado Toddler Terrors

Kate is going to a "dance" class at the gym which is really just a "bring your toddler who is too little to comprehend what is going on and watch them stumble around" class. The real dance class is on a day we can't make it. so I signed her up for Tornado Toddlers. The kids stretch, do some gymnastics, play with sporting equipment, and run away from their mommies. Kate is the oldest, but she has fun.

I enjoy watching Johan and his mommy. Mommy sits in the circle and stretches with the class. "Hansy" runs around the gym. When Johan who is probably close to 3 years old violently shoves 18 mo. old girl to the ground, Mommy finally gets up and scolds him. Throughout class Mommy makes polite requests to correct behavior, Hansy does whatever he damn well pleases.

Moving Woes

All of our stuff is in our new house. Hooray!

I think the most exhausting part of moving is putting it away. It is too mentally taxing to organize all that crap in a new space. I have a feeling I am going to be going to IKEA a lot! John says, "NOOOoooooo!

I went to bed last night and was just drifting to sleep as John was getting his stuff together for work. Several times he said, "Honey, do you know where my (fill in the blank) is?" My answer, "Did you look in the 50 boxes piled in our garage?"

Drove through downtown Buckeye a couple of times yesterday. There is some fodder for future posts on life in a desert hick town.


perkiwindy said...

Oh, how I have missed you Katrina! You are so funny. How did I ever get through the last 10 years without you old friend? -Windy