Saturday, November 8, 2008

Election Reflection

Still very busy. Pile of boxes waning. A few disjointed reflections on the election.

I voted. It was hard because I was not on top of things enough to get my ballot in the mail on time. I drove around Buckeye for hours looking for a place to drop the damn thing off.

I voted for Obama and I am proud of it! I never really considered race in my decision, honestly. But now after he has been elected, the magnitude of "The First African American President" makes me a little teary.

McCain campaign, stop crucifying Pallin. I agree she is kind of an idiot, but don't blame her for losing the election. You didn't stand a chance because Bush has been the worst president in history.

Don't want to hear about gay marraige anymore.

Something I don't understand: Republicans would vote for a horse's ass before voting for a qualified Democrat.

Chris Buttars - reelected Utah Senator- Famous for saying such awesome things as, "Well, I think Brown vs. Board of Education was wrong to begin with." and to explain why evolution shouldn't be taught in schools he said he had seen a dog and he has seen a cat, but he had never seen a "dat". He is a bully and an ass. Seriously? People voted for him?

Ted Stevenson - Reelected Alaska Senator - convicted felon. I don't know all of the ins and outs of this one, but a felon. Really?


Meredith said...

HI Katrina! It's your old roommate, Meredith. Windy said she found you so I had to stalk you too. It's fun to see that you are still as entertaining as you always have been. You have to check out my blog,

Tazia said...

I completely agree. The day after the election I got to work and I cant even tell you how pissed everyone was about Obama being elected and it made me want to punch them all in the throat and defend him to the death. I also didn't vote for Chris Buttars. I saw him and his competitor on the news and knew there was not a chance he would be getting my vote, and was surprised to see him re-elected, actually pretty pissed that he was.