Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lies and Poop at the Zoo

One thing I find amusing about going to the zoo is listening to parents lie to their children.

>> "The carousel is closed" Hmmm, why is it playing music, while turning with kids on it?

>> "They are playing a game." No, pretty sure that big iguana is going to kick that little iguana's ass. Run little one, run!!!!

>> "They are all out of soda." Hey, can I get a Diet Coke, Root Beer and Sprite. Thanks.

I also love it when my 3 year old asks me questions, but then corrects my answers.

Kiddo - How do the goats go poop?
Me - The same way you do.
Kiddo - No, they open that thing. (As she points to sphincter under goat's tail)


Kateka said...

Kate is right! Ha, ha. What a funny girl.

perkiwindy said...

I lie and poop at the zoo too Katrina. Infact, I ALWAYS lie that the Carasol is broken or closed. I am smart enough not to do it when there are actual kids riding it though.