Saturday, November 15, 2008


While perusing the deli section at the grocery store a foul stench wafted in my direction. "Jonas?" I heft the puzzled toddler out of the cart, tip him on his head and sniff his behind. "Hmmm, doesn't seem to be you."

Strolling through the breakfast foods. "Ewww I can smell it over the powerful aroma of coffee? That has got to be Jonas!" Butt in the air again. "Maybe?" Jonas is wearing his zip-up, footy sleeper because I didn't have time to get him dressed this morning. Unzip PJ's try to reach around and peek in diaper. Jammies are in the way. Still can't tell. Strip poor kid down to the waist in the middle of the isle, check diaper. "Huh? It isn't you? Who could it be?"

We continue through the store. Dairy section, I can still smell it. Now I am paranoid, who is the stinky SOB following me through the store?!?

All the while, Kate is sitting in the cart munching on a green olive sample from the new fangled Antipasto bar. We get to the checkout, I bend down to help Kate out of the cart and it hit me, the stench in all it's glory. All along it had been Kate's olive.

Mmmmm, olive anyone?


Kateka said...

Oh wow. I can't believe Kate would eat those. Yuck!