Friday, June 25, 2010


My initial impression of the Dr. who worked on my feet was good, not just good, I was impressed by his apparent expertise in all things plantar fasciitis. I was wrong.

Went for my follow-up appointment today and our conversation went like this.

Dr.: So how did everything go after the proceedure.

Me: Um, I was in excruciating pain and I had to borrow crutches to even get around.

Dr.: Thanks for that feedback. I hadn't really thought of that before. Maybe I should send crutches home with my future patients.

Me: (Slightly sarcastic)Or maybe a pain pill would be nice.

Dr.: (In astonishment) I didn't send you home with a prescription for Vicodin?

Me: Um, NO!

Dr.: Huh, I must of forgot. Sorry!

Me: Sorry?!? How about I punch you in the face really hard, kick you between the pockets a few times and then send you home without any pain pills? I think that would be the fair thing to do. And how about you just give me that prescription now and I can use it the next time I have an Ass-hat for a Dr.


Aubrey said...

Lol. Oh Katrina you crack me up!