Friday, November 6, 2009

Promises Made to be Boken

Dancing Queen and I had to have a little "heart 2 heart" last night after she got a "GO TO BED WITH NO STORIES!!!!" from her dad. Ahhh, parenting. I have so much respect for moms who have to go it alone. It would be hard to be Good Cop and Bad Cop at the same time.

So, back to the H2H. During this little moment she made a promise to listen. This is how well she is accomplishing that goal.

10 min after H2H - "
Dancing Queen stop singing and go to sleep"

12 min after H2H - "DQ stop singing and go to sleep! Remember your promise?"
DQ - "Oh sorry, I forgot.

13 min after H2H - Mom bursts into room, "STOP SINGING AND GO TO SLEEP!!!" Mom takes toy she has been singing to.

Next day- preparing to go out and of course we are late

Mom - Go get dressed.
Mom - Go get dressed.
Mom - GO GET DRESSED!!! Remember your promise?
DQ - Sorry I forgot.

Mom- Get your shoes on.
Mom - Get your shoes on.
Mom - GET YOUR SHOES ON NOW OR I WILL LEAVE YOU!!! (We all know we are not supposed to make empty threats, but I'd bet a million dollars everyone of you has done it!)

Mom - Get in the car.
Go around other side to put screaming Monkey Boy in.
Mom - Kate, get in the car and get in your seat.
Forgot something in the house.
Mom- You better be in that seat when I get back! Remember your promise.
DQ - Oh yeah! I almost forgot!
Come back.
DQ is in the driveway getting the paper.

Neighbor moving in across the street wonders if he can back out after closing on the sale.


Kateka said...

She reminds me of me in the sense that I have absolutely NO attention span.

And this is totally weird and not very much like me, but I see like religious symbolism in this (I don't know what I am on today....). I swear I am the little kid forgetting my 'promise' constantly. Do you hate me for being a total nerd in your comments?

Katrina said...


I think he might.