Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rambling Unsolicited Advice at Midnight, When I Really Should be in Bed Instead of Blogging

What is it with men and the need for them to give advice to women about exercise? I was at the park running with my friend tonight and while we were stopped for a moment to discuss our running strategy for the evening, some dad of a little leaguer walked by and said, "Don't just stop. You got to walk it off." Really? Who asked ya?

It reminded me of the days when I used to actually have time to go to the weightroom and the vertically challenged boys who were as wide as they were tall always had to come by and give me "pointers". Good grief. Go drink a protein shake and leave me alone. Do not expect me to bow before your enlightened exercise holiness. And just because I am a girl, doesn't mean I am an exercise retard. Oh and by the way, your neck may be as big around as my thigh, but it doesn't change the fact that you are only 4'8".

So, this is my unsolicited advice to men who can't refrain from giving unsolicited advice to me (and I would dare say most other women) while I am working out.

"Please just zip it and keep on walkin' by. While I am working out, I feel particularly kick assy (yes, that is the scientific term), and I am awfully tempted to kick you in the groin. Have a nice day!"

P.S. I ran 8 of the "1/2 mile loops" around the park, which I think is about 3 miles. Wa-hoo! And, yes, I know I am crappy at math, but I didn't add that up wrong. Apparently city planners either can't measure or they lie, CUZ I'm pretty sure I don't run a 9 min mile, which is the time it takes me to run 2 of the "1/2 mile loops."


Kateka said...

What a Jack-A!

Ha, ha. Your trail reminds me of the LEWIS reunion run from a couple of years ago. I think Karla decided to cut the 5k short because I ran it in like 19 minutes when I was in the worst shape I'd ever been in in my life.