Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Joys of Motherhood

Top 10 things I love about being Mom.

10. Tension headaches!
9. Waking early every morning to gigantic, stinky, poopy diaper.
8. The mom stutter. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" or "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"
7. Cheerios on the floor, in my purse, in the car, in my bed, in the couch, . . . you get the idea.
8. Kate screaming from the bathroom, "I'm done!"
7. Permanent black marker all over the legs of our new table. (I swear we didn't even own a permanent black marker. Where the hell did he find that!?!"
6. Milk art on the carpet created with a drippy bottle.
5. When I forget I am in public and yell at the kid in my demon voice. Everyone stares at me with the "Wo, she's a psycho mom" look and then they give the children a look of pity.
4. Having to clean the stashed sippy or bottle now containing some sort of cheese rather than milk.
3. Needing to mop the kitchen floor everyday. (Needing to, not actually doing)
2. Kate telling everyone in line at the grocery store that I am an idiot. (I made a mistake filling out a deposit slip at the bank and said to the bank teller, "Sorry I'm an idiot." Kate won't let me forget it. She tells everyone!)
1. Jonas using my nipples as a hand hold for pulling himself up onto my lap.


Kateka said...

Ha, ha, ha!! These are all super funny, but #1... oh goodness. Ouch!

.::still blinking::. said...

I laughed to hard at these.

Tazia said...

Too funny. Couldn't stop laughing

Meredith said...

you're fun katrina!

SJ said...

Such a funny list. The big poops I can relate to. Benjamin loves to wait until we go out somewhere public than make a huge, explosive sounding poop which usually get all over himself and the world eternal.

angelrich said...

Oh, this is great. "I LOVE IT."

Cati said...

Katrina haven't you heard of Magic erasers? girl you have got to invest in some of those, actually lots of those.. the kids had a sharpie in Grant's beloved VW van and there were beautiful scribbles everywhere... thank you magic erasers .... now Grand doesn't need to know that ever happened..

Aubrey said...

That is SO hilarious! The funniest part is I can totally relate!