Monday, December 29, 2008

Suggestions for the Next Version of Wii Fit

We got Wii Fit for Christmas from John's parents. It is a lot of fun.

For those of you who are unfamiliar it is a balance board that looks quite a bit like a bathroom scale. It senses your weight shifts to measure your balance and movements. The game has strength, yoga, aerobic and balance exercises.

The game also contains lots of comments, words of encouragement, etc. that are not so subtle hints that you are fat and out of shape. I think the phrases should be less passive-agressive and more direct.

Each day you are supposed to weigh yourself and do a little balance test. It gives you your BMI number. When I step on the bar goes up and up and up and up and then the game says, "That's Obese!" I think the new version should say something like. "Wo, you're a fatty!"

When I step on the balance board to begin an activity the game says "Ohw" It's kind of a combination of "Oh" and "Ouch"

When Kate steps on (she has a healthy weight) the game says, "Great!"

Maybe in the next version it could say various phrases like, "Get off! I can't breath!" or if you haven't played in a while, "Hey, Fat Ass, I missed ya" or maybe just a simple "Good Grief!"

As you play your trainer gives you tips, suggestions and encouragement. Mostly they just insult you in a friendly voice. May I suggest some straight forward phrases like,

"Hmmm, you kind of suck at this, keep up the work and maybe you will improve."

"Wow, I am surprised that someone as chunky as you can actually finish this exercise."

"Better luck next time, Spazzo!"


Tazia said...

It's like when Garfields scale talks to him. He just threatens to kill it and then it says what he wants. You should try to take a bat to Wii Fit and see what it has to say then!

Anonymous said...

Love your site. Great tips! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well.

Unknown said...

Wii Fit is pretty funny. My trainer is really muscular (used to compete), but since it only measures BMI, when he got on it, he got the whole "you're obese!" with a picture of a fat dude. Too funny.

Kateka said...

Stuart and I played this at a friend's house last weekend. Both of us set up our character and then promptly hopped on the scale. It was than the WII fit plumped our characters to a more realistic state. Dang it!

angelrich said...

This has to be one of the most hilarious entries I've read in a long time. We totally miss you around hear. You keep us balanced (even if your wii fit is amazed.)